Monday, 28 December 2015

Portumna race report on milestone run!

You know when you eat too much over a couple of days and go to bed later than usual and have one or two more drinks than normal? How you just want a few days off to get over that? Well I found an alternative therapy that only takes one morning!!!

27/12/15, 7am! Off to Portumna!

It's called Trail Marathon!

You get up at 6.30am on the 27th of December. Have a cup of tea and a couple of mince pies or muffins. Get into the car, drive to Portumna (the long way around Lough Derg because of floods between Borrisokane and Portumna). Join up with about 100 others who overindulged on food and drink. And run a 43.2K Trail Marathon in beautiful Portumna Forest in mucky and heavy underfoot conditions!

Remember from June this is the place where I dislocated a bone in my ankle that had to be popped back in for me to finish the race. So wits and focus were needed to keep our balance on paths with mud, rotten leaves, puddles and streams of water. Actually a tree had fallen on the original course but thankfully the excellent Race Director Ray O'Connor had an alternative route measured out so we were asked to complete 16 laps of 2.7K. Which made it a Trail Marathon of 43.2K. 1K longer than your standard Marathon.

There are too many people and things that made this yet again an unforgettable day so apologies for forgetting some if I did. If you run Marathons and you want to be part of something bigger than just the running of them, join Marathon Club Ireland. What a privilege yet again to meet all these wonderful people who truly make each other grow as human beings, support and love each other unconditionally and really know how to make Marathon running like one big party.

Action Pic by Mary Mockett. Thanks Mary.
Thanks to Ray as Race Director; Valerie our wonderful Chairperson; Vincent THE man that keeps us all in check and makes sure everything happens when and as it should; Brian, Maryse and Maura for the sweets, Jaffa cakes, bananas, coke and water during and sandwiches tea and soup after; Shane for the mulled wine after. Team Kerr for being there and lifting us all higher again. And all fellow runners for your support, smiles and encouragements.

About 4hrs33mins were needed to finish Marathon number 16 of 2015!

16 in 2015 done!

That's 9 more than my previous record of 7 in 2014. The intention for 2016 is do as much running as I love with a direction of 20 races of Marathon distance or longer! This will get me to the #50at50 touchline!

With support from all these wonderful people that is going to be tough but feasible.

1 day at a time, 1 mile at a time, 1 smile at a time!

My year review is due Friday! Until then have a wonderful week!!!

Patte xxx

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Them thar hills. A Cork salute.

It's no secret. I love Cork City. The people are immensely genuine, they have a real 'of course we can do that for you boy' attitude, the city centre seems to be perpetually alive, there is a vibrant food scene. They have a distinguishable lack of pretence and often no need for comparison. They are just Corkonians happy in the knowledge they live in the nicest place on Earth. (Their words by the way!!). Jamaica might be nice, 'but it's not Cork like'.

I was there from Thursday to yesterday on a retreat to do some uninterrupted work on a book I have been threatening to write. I finished the layout of the Chapters, wrote the introduction and started on the 1st Chapter. It's under way now, unstoppable. I also managed to publish and promote my first workshop for 2016. It's on Eventbrite at

Anyway as if it's needed here's another reason I love it. Within a few hundred yards of anywhere there is hills. And I don't mean inclines nor mountains, I mean proper hills. And I love running hills. I went up Summerhill North to Saint Luke's then a left turn up the Middle Glanmire Road through Montenotte towards Mayfield Industrial Estate and through Mayfield (Roy Keane's stomping ground) on the Old Youghal Road back to Saint Luke's and out for a second lap up the Hill.

Cork would look small and insignificant but completely lit up from the top. Because I prefer running in the dark. That's something I discovered recently. I really enjoy the solitude and peace that comes with training in darkness. I suppose even though I am a people person and an extravert I need my space too and find that from running so the runs at night make sense to me.

And remember when you find what you love doing, do more of it. And then more again. And find a way to share your gift with the world. I love them thar Cork hills and I love running them in the dark. Expect me back soon.

Sunday the 27th (that's only 5 days from now oops) we are hopefully heading to Portumna Forest in droves with Marathon Club Ireland for our final club Marathon of 2015. My 16th of 2015. So looking forward to that. I can already feel the hugs and love.

Have a wonderful festive few days, Miles with Smiles.

Patte xxxx

Monday, 14 December 2015

The secret is daily engagement.

We are at that time of year where people start setting goals. What are we going to do in 2016? Goals to most people are targets to reach. A lot of people understandably have survival goals. Paying the bills, passing the exams, getting a new job.

Others go further and want to loose weight, give up cigarettes, make the football team. Or add financial goals. A new House. Personal goals. Starting a Family.

A few even write them down and fewer still create vision boards.

A lot will fail. As they do every year. Goals don't work for me and a lot of my clients either or they work sporadically and are limiting. Why?

Two things spring to mind.

One, most of us set goals that are well within our limits. Within our comfort zone. There is no real joy in achievement and therefore motivation is lower and when obstructions come our way it is easier to cave in and do it next year! It wasn't that big a deal anyway!

Two, goals always position themselves in the future. They are a distant aspiration. We are living for a future achievement. Even when we plan we plan for the future. We never live in the Now. If and when we achieve there is not much joy other than a momentary sparkle because we now crave the next buzz, the next goal.

In both instances we might miss out on joyful living. And joy, fun and happiness are what we crave daily.

What I have tried to do for the last 2 years with running is to set intentions based on my core values of 'Joy' and 'Peace of Mind'. It is my intention to run as many marathons as I can enjoy and train as part of my peace of mind flow. And I do this daily.

I set figures that are based on these intentions to get a general direction.

Last year the figures were 6 marathons and 1,000 miles. I managed 7 and 1,188 miles.
This year the figures were 12 marathons and 2,015 miles. On December 14th I am at 15 Marathons (1 more booked) and 1,958 miles (with 18 days to go).

Marathon number 15 for 2015 in Sixmilebridge

These intentions and direction are less limiting. By doing every day what I love doing I got more done than I thought I could. Clients who try this are reporting similar overachievements.

Intentions and direction based on core values. Then daily I do what I love doing most to the best of my ability. So every day becomes joy! Every day becomes achievement. Every day is a peaceful step in the direction of the intentions.

And if you have a bad day, you know the next one is probably going to be better.

The secret is simple. It is in daily engagement with your intentions. In a fun, joyous way.

There, I said it! And the beauty is that it is for everybody!! Yes, that's you too!

Feel free to try! And let me know how you get on! Don't set your usual goals for 2016!!! Set intentions, direction and find daily joy!

Miles with Smiles!!

Patte xxxxx

Monday, 7 December 2015

It's a Clonakilty Special!

This weekend was a Race Directors nightmare. Lots of visitors coming to your race from all over the world and country. Lots already in situ and a storm warning. Monitoring the situation 24/7 with just a handful of people because this is a family event, not a corporate machine. Talking to emergency services and GardaĆ­, driving the course continuously to check it's status.

On Friday evening around 11pm I was party to a conversation between organisers and GardaĆ­ were everything was still expected to go ahead. At 6.30am Saturday the incessant rain had caused roads to flood and all routes were deemed unsafe for a mass event. They had to cancel the event last minute.

I feel for them. The love they put into the event is a genuine love for running and runners alike. They do this because they love the area and it's people too. Testimony to that the successful race at Courtmacsherry in July with Team Hoyt and Team Kerr.

I feel for Bob, Ia and all at Clon Crew. You have our support and we are looking forward to the rescheduled date. We know you care deeply and it is up to us to show you how much we care. Time to Find Ourselves! Thanks for everything and see you soon!!!!

No sooner was the race cancelled but MCI pulled together as a group to show what we are all about. The hugs, love and words of support were heartfelt. The medal presentation for runners who had achieved milestones was full of stories of courage, personal triumphs, real life challenges and a deep routed love for running, each other and the Club. There were 25, 50 & 75 Marathon medals. There was Derek Mackessey who received his 100 Medal and T-Shirt. 100 Marathons is an aim for most members and Derek is a superb ambassador for the Club and race director of the Back to Back in Limerick. There was also Jimmy Nugent, full of energy after 200 marathons.

I have said this before yet I will say it again and these words are not said lightly. Marathon Club Ireland right now is the most exceptional bunch of people I was ever privileged to be part of. The genuine care for each other and those around us that are less fortunate comes naturally. Couple that to the natural grit, determination, stamina and 'let's just do it' attitude of long distance runners and you have the recipe for something really, really special. I feel so humbled and privileged to be part of it.

And we had some Christmas Party on Saturday. All the energy that wasn't left on the road was left on the dance floor. I nominate Aaron, David and Sandra Kerr for a special mention. their dedication, togetherness and positive attitude is teaching us all how to be better people.

If you have done 1 Marathon or more and you want to become part of THE Irish running Club just apply to join the Club. You will definitely not regret it. You can get the form on

Running wise I waited until about 2pm on Saturday and found a 3.5 mile route that was safe to run and did 2 laps in howling winds and rain. I'm sorry if that upset Teresa Mannion :) When we got home Sunday I went for another 7.2 miles because the love for running is deeper than circumstances.

I'm now at 1,915 miles for the year and if you remember apart from 12 Marathons in 12 Months my second intention was 2,015 miles in 2015. 100 Miles to go in 25 days. Weather permitting well do-able.

And with the special Clonakilty spirit behind me it will be a pleasure to run them.

Miles with Smiles :) Talk to you Friday.

Patte xxx