I decided last December to start doing a 2nd blog on Intentional Living and the result was that instead of 2 I ended up writing 0 blogs yet managed to get a weekly Radio Show every Monday from 12 noon to 1 pm which you can all listen to online at www.lccr.ie (Limerick City Community Radio) or on Podcast via my FB page.
Life is funny that way. Anyway my Intentional Academy project is getting of the ground slowly so I have decided to restart the 2 blogs and keep the Radio Show.
The running blog is back. Apologies for the 8 month break. I will write as I go minimum once a week with stories, race reports, tips, interviews etc... For those who were reading before you know I'm not an elite runner nor a time driven runner yet rather someone who enjoys running immensely and who shares the roads and trails with my many running mad friends.
I must say since I have gone quiet in November I have discovered the great fun that is parkrun and have started participating in the local one in Limerick at the University Campus near the boatclub. http://www.parkrun.ie/limerick/
parkrun (It is spelled without a capital p) is a world phenomenon now were you get to run a FREE, timed 5K at 9.30 am every Saturday.
The atmosphere is wonderful, the enthusiasm electric and it is entirely run by volunteers. I have ran about 8 times now on Saturdays I have no race and have volunteered twice as well. Check out which parkrun is nearest you, register for free online and join in. You'll be hooked!
Marathon wise I am up to 76 Full & Ultra Marathons now. I will revisit some of my favourite races on this blog in the coming weeks. My abolute favourite was on May 27th this year at the Clare Burren Marathon Challenge to which I will dedicate a post soon.
Next up is a crazy couple of months Marathoning for me. I'm not sure how many races I'm doing yet but it is well possible to be between 10 & 13 Marathons in the next 40 days or so.
First up is the Wicklow Hospice Festival of Running. You can still sign up here:
This is a wonderful four day festival of running, where runners can do a full marathon (start at 8am) or run 5,10,15,20 miles (start at 9am) on any or all of the 4 days from Thursday July 6th to Sunday July 9th. It is part road and part trail.

I am aiming to complete my first ever 4 in 4 there. That's 4 Full Marathons in 4 Days. I am ready and prepared yet nervous. The nerves are more anticipation than being scared. Especially with in mind that 6 days afterwards I will be at the start line of a Back 2 Back in Mayo. Kmnowing that so many of my running friends from Marathon Club Ireland and other running clubs will be there means it will be nothing but fun and friendly!!
I am also looking forwad to it as I have never ran a Marathon in Wicklow and want to add the Garden County to the growing list. It will become Irish County number 15 out of 32. I have participated in Marathons in all 6 Munster counties; Galway and Mayo in Connaught; Dublin, Westmeath, Laois, Kilkenny, Offaly and Meath in Leinster.
Right, I'm off now for a wee rest before heading to Rathdrum and Avondale Forest Park on Wednesday!
Talks soon and keep running.
'Miles with Smiles'
Patte xxxx