'I desperately want to succeed', Carolann said when we first met. It was a warmish yet breezy day. Autumn felt far away even though it was just around the corner. The canal bank was bustling with dog walkers, cyclists, and joggers.
'I have been trying to establish my business, have been doing it all myself on a shoestring budget and now that I am finally starting to get some traction I somehow lack the energy to give it that extra push it needs. And I simply have to succeed, my financial situation needs me to make it work.'
There was exasperation in her voice. It was as if the words trembled when she spoke them. She continuously looked to the sky yearning for some guidance or a holy intervention. She was gesticulating with her hands and had stopped walking.
'What do I have to do to get the extra energy to make this work? I need your input, Patrick.'
She gazed straight into my eyes. 'Well, what have I missed?', she exclaimed looking for some immediate words of wisdom.
'Remind me please', I enquired, 'What was it that got you into this field?'
Her pupils widened, a smile appeared. She looked down to one side as if trying to go into the feeling from memory. A story emerged. She spoke fluently, with passion describing the seminal moments that gave her the reason she got into what she is doing Now.
'How often do you feel that way these days?', I asked.
Suddenly she stopped talking and walking. She just stood there for at least 2-3 minutes. Silently.
Then she spoke again. 'Thanks, I had forgotten all this in my busyness to get a business going. I know what to do now'. She smiled and we hugged.
Sometimes all we need is to go within ourselves. Because there are all the resources and tools and feeling that we require to be awesome.
Remember, you are complete. You are whole. You are Potential.
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